Untie the Colt, the Master has Need of You!

(A word received by sister Parin, early in the morning on Palm Sunday)

The Lord is untying the colts who have been waiting and waiting... it is time to be free from the post that had held you captive! 
He says, “untie the colt, the master has need of you!”

All that time of waiting, dreaming, wondering if he has forgotten you, felt like giving up on the dreams you had to serve the Lord, did you really hear from the Lord. Why are you still there? Everyone around thought what a waste of time, you could have done whatever you wanted to do, why are you not doing anything, you felt alone, lonely, isolated.. but you persevered! 

Suddenly the season of waiting is over, “untie him!” How you love that voice! Can this be real that finally you could be used by the Lord. 

Jesus wants to ride on you... your heart’s desire of close intimacy and being one with him is becoming a reality... you are no longer tied to a post, you are now tied to Jesus, the lover of your soul! All that waiting was really worth it! He has chosen you! 

You were being prepared for a time such as this because now you are mature, you are teachable, you are no longer wild and full of pride, now you have a broken and a contrite heart, you are bearing much fruit - you are single-minded and focused, obedient, patient, full of compassion and ready to do his will no matter the cost! 

You are going with him to Jerusalem!

You will experience the joys as well as the sorrows of the one you love - you will hear those who will praise him and cry out hosanna to the King! but you also hear those who hate him and cry out: crucify him! crucify him. You will be with him no matter what! Jesus you are worthy of it all!